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John Myers | English, 1944 -


John Myers studied sculpture, painting, printmaking from 1963 to 1967 at Durham University's King's College in New Castle upon Tyne under the guidance of Richard Hamilton. It was a period of international recognition for British art and an era in which photography was being established as a major artistic and cultural force. After graduating, Myers began teaching at the Stourbridge College of Art, it was there that he developed an interest in photography.

Myers' photographs from 1972 - 1979 explore the cultural landscape of housing developments, television sets, substations and other aspects of the suburban life. His photographs share the concerns of his American counterparts that formed the 1975 exhibition, New Topographics, yet also articulate an English sensibility.

His photographs have appeared in numerous publications, including: Camera, Creative Camera, The London Magazine, and The Guardian. Myers photographs have been published as the monograph Middle England (IKON, 2011).