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Bill Rastetter | American, 1948 -


Ansel Adams said, "There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer."

To explore this a bit, every photograph captures a small piece of space and time. But I aspire to do this in a way that "freezes" reality in a way not seen by the casual observer. This might be with perspective, time of day and lighting, exposure, and developing and printing techniques. So, I shoot what I shoot trying to give the viewer an otherwise unseen perspective on common subjects.

The Seascape series captures the ocean at night using time lapse photography (exposures generally of 1 to 8 minutes) with 4 x 5 inch color transparency film. The loss of wave structure creates an abstraction that we would ordinarily associate with a watercolor painting, not a photograph. Printing using the giclée process on watercolor paper reinforces this effect. Clearly, the seascapes capture views of the ocean not normally accessible to the naked eye.